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Here is what critics are saying about


“From human rights issues to an alien's widening perception of the strange world he's landed in, and the seeming impossibility of the rescue mission he's charged with undertaking, readers receive a surprising blend of real history and fantasy. These offer unusual inspections of gangster activity in the 1920s, perceptions of miracles when galaxy-class starships are actually involved, and disputes that lead Zho to question the real purpose of his mission.”
-Midwest Book Reviews

“A rip-roaring blend of space opera, history and fantasy, this is entertainment at its best.”
-The Prairies Book Reviews

“It Gives You Strength by Philip Raymond Brown is a brilliantly written and richly descriptive novel with richly drawn characters and settings. The author weaves a well-crafted Sci-Fi Fantasy that’s packed to the rafters with plenty of mystery, action and adventure. Skillfully constructed, this exciting and energetic novel will have you turning the pages from beginning to end.”

- Emerald Book Review

“Though the story turns out to be different than what you’d expect, Brown’s prose undoubtedly captures the reader on the page. He makes the 1920s in upstate New York feel as exciting as an old-time thriller, with gun-wielding big shots, intense rivalries, and the perfect wildcard character.”
-Independent Book Review

“Readers will be gripped and nowhere else can you throw boxing, bootlegging and aliens into a story and expect it to stick, but stick it does and it's purely down to Brown's literary craftsmanship.” 
- Dr. Who Online

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Actual comments from readers on Goodreads

(five stars is highest possible review)

The Copyright of this website is owned by Philip Raymond Brown.  All rights to the novels referenced herein are also owned by the author Philip Raymond Brown. The copyrights have been properly registered with the Library of Congress-United States Copyright Office as follows: “IT GIVES YOU STRENGTH (2020), HARVESTING EARTHLINGS FOR FUN AND PROFIT; It Gives You Strength Book II (2022). The Author will pursue statutory and actual damages for any  infringement of those copyrights.

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